Knowing the Convenient Customer

When you start a relationship, or before doing so, you prefer to know the "target of your conquest", not only to know what this person dreams of, desires and wants, but also, and this is the most important thing, to know if your future conquest really is CONVENIENCE for you. Why do you think women never overlook this detail?
Find the right customer
Just as many people start relationships with someone who is not convenient for them, many entrepreneurs spend time and money developing strategies to attract a market that is not CONVENIENCE; a market that is not profitable; either because of their purchasing power, frequency of consumption or because their "quest for status" is not high enough to buy what you offer. Do you now understand why market research is so necessary?
A client had points of sale in three cities in Colombia; two of these worked well but the point located in the city of Pereira had very low sales, and according to its operating costs it was practically not profitable. Market research was done and sure enough this city had one of the lowest market rates for my client's products. Two months later, the Pereira point was closed and my client's profits increased, since he stopped investing in a market that is not CONVENIENCE.
Be convenient for those who are convenient
Remember that CONVENIENCE applies to both parties; you have to ask yourself if you, and what you offer, is CONVENIENCE for the other. Is your product and/or service really CONVENIENCE for your client? As one is not CONVENIENCE for someone, if it is for another. Is your product CONVENIENCE for another type of market or client?
Look for lasting relationships
In the same way, no one marries someone expecting the divorce document to be signed three months later. If we look for lasting relationships emotionally, in business it does not have to be different; we must look for long-term relationships that generate frequent and constant benefits.
Lasting relationships give us security and confidence, and if you expect your customers to buy frequently and permanently, you must be willing to respond in the same way when they require it. Keep in mind that this factor is vital to give you the long-awaited “yes”. If you are not available when your future conquest needs you or vice versa, surely, they will be able to visualize the panorama of what a future relationship would be like.
Already convinced that the goal to be achieved is CONVENIENCE for you, and you know their dreams and desires, you are ready to start the conquest phase, but be careful not to get carried away by emotions and false perceptions, because you may be "dazzled" by something that doesn't really exist and invest time in clients that are not as "profitable" as you think.
In relationships, we allow ourselves to be more emotional than rational, but in business, we can never make this mistake.
Responsibility and compromise

Did you know that Coaching can't do anything for you?
The truth is that Coaching cannot do anything, unless you involve two unavoidable elements: Responsibility and Commitment.
The truth is that Coaching cannot do anything, unless you involve two unavoidable elements: Responsibility and Commitment.
The lack of Responsibility and Commitment is what leads us to Procrastination. Responsibility is Responding with Ability and Commitment is the Ability that human beings have to Coordinate Actions.
Now do you Understand the Potential of these Two Elements?
If you want to succeed in what you propose, you must be Responsible for your Decisions and Results, so that in this way you can Commit to execute the Action Plan that will really take you towards your goal.
You may be starting a new project, launching a campaign or product, or training your work team. That is Undertaking, "To Learn To Undertake"; in spanish we say, "Aprender para Emprender".
You may be starting a new project, launching a campaign or product, or training your work team. That is Undertaking, "To Learn To Undertake"; in spanish we say, "Aprender para Emprender".
Entrepreneurship is not only about owning a business.
The best companies need Entrepreneurs who are focused and definitely Responsible and Committed to their results, their decisions and their actions.
This is what a Coach does for you; accompanies you on that journey that you are Undertaking, to maximize your potential by consciously involving Responsibility and Commitment in your processes.
In this way, the Coach becomes a catalyst through your Responsibility and Commitment, helps you find the answers to your problems or blockages within yourself, awakening a new way of seeing and solving each situation.
I hope that through this article you will be able to measure the possibilities that a Coaching Process opens up.
The 4 Keys to Create an Attractive and Conquering Business

Making the decision to start your own business and leave behind the secure payment is a situation that requires analysis and a certain level of risk. But by knowing the market well and the profit you can offer, you can lower your risk margin and increase your chances of success.
A few months ago I had the opportunity to design the "business concept" for a project of a Latin American business group, which is an aesthetic center that has expansion possibilities. To develop this project, I took into account the 4 keys that you must know to create an attractive and conquering business.
Since this technique is developed for businesses that do not yet exist or are in the process of being created, don't worry if the first two points raise questions; in the last two points these questions will be resolved.
1) Put yourself in the mind of your conquest
When we think a lot or too much about a person, we say to ourselves "oops I'm swallowed" or "what a pod, they moved the floor". That means someone has managed to conquer us. That is the effect that we want to generate in our clients or in our market, that they think of us, obviously in a positive way.
That effect of "swallowing" or "falling in love" is called positioning and the perception of that person in his mind is the brand. Now, putting our beauty center into perspective, we will realize that this type of business abounds, therefore we cannot start with a business similar to the others and expect a good positioning. We need something that allows us to place ourselves in the minds of our future customers.
But what do we need to achieve the coveted position?
2) Be different and unique
If you manage to "influence" in a good way, in the mind of your conquest, it is because you perceive in yourself something different or better than others, even if others have the same quality, but if you were the first to say so, you are the one. conqueror. The rest will remain as mere imitators.
That differential point, built on the unique and relevant benefit of your product and/or service, is the "reason for attraction" for your customers and is the basis of your positioning strategy. But if we have not yet defined what our beauty center or business will be like, then what will be our "reason for attraction"? (You can get more information in the text The attraction reason).
3) Know what they want and don't get
If men had the opportunity to really know what women think and want from us, we would always be kings to our queens. But unfortunately and for obvious reasons, we know that women have to be loved, never understood.
Perhaps the "mystery complex" of women is similar to the mysterious purchasing decision process of the customer, but women, emotionally, are completely different from each other, instead, our market niche is made up of various individuals with needs specific and similar in relation to the solution or benefit that we can offer. Thank God our market is easier to understand.
In that same sense, study and analyze your competition; Become a client of theirs, if possible talk to the clientele, know what they want and what they offer.
Before creating our beauty center, let's focus on the market to answer our questions. For example, during my research for this project I realized that the vast majority of beauty centers exclude men, children, and the elderly, and this is reflected in their corporate image or brand, since the shape or silhouette of the young woman prevails. or thin as a logo. Likewise, it is frequently heard from the clientele of these places "I couldn't come before because I had no one to leave my child with", "now I can come because my children started to study", "I wanted my husband to accompany me but he He says that this is for old women”, etc.
Apparently we are finding our "gap to fill", now start thinking what do I do to fill it?
4) Offer what no one else offered
When we "fall madly in love" with someone it is because they manage to give us what we truly want, and sometimes neither we nor the one who conquers know what caused the crush, but it is thanks to that "reason for attraction" that everything happens. But the really important thing is not only to offer that "reason for attraction", but to be consistent with it at all times; that we manage to express and communicate it in everything we are and do. The same thing happens with marketing; Your business must be developed and built on a unique concept and based on what your customers want and no one has given them. If the market you want to attack no longer wants hamburgers but "arepas with meat" and there are none in the market, your business has to be impregnated with "arepas with meat". In your business you have to experience that concept.
This is what we should do with our beauty center; define our business concept in something similar to "indulge men and women, minors and adults, through their senses", which does not "exclude" but rather "includes"; what used to be a problem now becomes a great solution for the whole family; Now going to our beauty center is a whole program or plan. That is where the name of our business should be born; "Consents". And this concept has to permeate our business, therefore the entire communication strategy must be based on this concept.
From the exhibition or presentation of your product and/or service and the decoration of the place (merchandising), advertising at point of sale (POP), stationery and all applications of corporate image or brand image, to customer service and, obviously, the product and/or service must be impregnated and consistent with that business concept. (You can get more information in the text Maintain a defined look with the 4 C's).
Following these steps may not make you rich overnight, but the more successful you are at applying these 4 keys, your risk margin will significantly decrease and your chances of success will increase through an attractive and conquering business. Let's do it.
Leadership and Coaching

For several years there has been constant talk about leadership, and whatever the context, about the importance of a true leader. Whether it is a large or small group, it requires certain skills as a leader and to exercise them with intelligence, but also with intuition.
In recent decades, as a result of the educational revolution, psychology has had more participation in educational processes, as has happened with business leadership, and both "revolutions", so to speak, have been generated precisely by the evidence of the power of emotions in all aspects.
Emotional Intelligence
In the 1980s and more severely at the end of it, the concept of "emotional intelligence" was introduced as the ability to understand and motivate people and as a mechanism for solving cognitive problems, through experts and psychology scholars such as Daniel Goleman, Howard Gardner, Wayne Payne, Peter Salovey, and John D. Mayer.
John Maxwell, leadership expert, speaker and writer of more than 80 books on the subject and who in 2014 was considered the No.1 Business Leader in the US, assures that while in the 1980s the emphasis The trend in business was toward management, in the 1990s the trend was toward leadership, and today the emphasis is toward "collective leadership" and teamwork.
Without a doubt, emotions predominate in the work of the human being, although in our work and education the use of reasoning to discern and make decisions should predominate, the effective use of emotions is important in our productive areas.
In this sense, taking into account that leadership exists thanks to the cohabitation and interaction of human beings who decide to carry out and carry out a certain project, be it work, social, spiritual, etc., as people who are required by the organization and guidance from "someone", who will undoubtedly only be able to do a good job knowing and taking advantage of not only the knowledge and abilities of each individual, but also the totally emotional attitude of each one.
Though leadership is such a complex subject to cover in a single article, John Maxwell himself has written dozens of books on the subject. However, I would like to make a brief reflection on some laws of leadership, based on Maxwell's philosophy, which I found quite interesting.
The Law of Addition: Giving Value to The Team
I believe that the best leader is the one who adds value to his followers and that should be his flag and his north at all times. Precisely, according to Maxwell, a leader who adds or adds value to his followers, not only adds, but also multiplies, since by giving value to their team or group, these followers will encourage others to do so.
Conversely, a leader who directs or guides a team in order to achieve or satisfy its own interests does not add, but rather subtracts, subtracts value from the group and, in the same mathematical sense, creates division instead of multiplication. . Because of this, a bad leader can create dangerous division and polarization.
The Law of the Cap: Growing as a Team
If we want our leadership to grow, we must make our followers grow, and here the previous law has even greater meaning, because if we add value to our group, allowing them to grow and encouraging them to do so, our leadership will be even greater, and therefore, the team will be bigger and stronger.
If we do not allow each of the individuals in our team to grow, on the contrary the group will weaken and the leadership will diminish. Although leadership is a matter of people and emotions, the mathematical laws here are very relevant.
The Law of Imitation or of The Image: Set an Example
A boss or guide can give orders or instructions for these to be carried out, and surely they will, but the best way to make things happen is to do them first. The example to our followers is as important as the example of a father to his children. I can't demand my kids to get up early if I don't or require them to exercise if I don't either. I cannot require others to do what I do not do or am not capable of doing.
A good example of this law is sales teams or groups; there is a commercial leader or director who, based on his commercial and sales skills and abilities, demonstrates and teaches how to close sales in a real context. Some will be inspired to do so and perhaps with the support of the leader they will succeed. Others may feel intimidated and frustrated, and this is where the next and last law I'll talk about comes in.
The Law of Magnetism: Attract Like
Human beings are designed to live and cohabit with others who are similar to us. We look for similarities with the people we associate with. For example, a musician will look for musicians to develop his musical project, and a doctor and a lawyer will do the same, and to this are added increasingly specific characteristics that are related to the leader.
In the previous case of the sales team, the leader will look for candidates with characteristics similar to himself, since for him it is the "winning profile". However, those individuals who are inspired by the leader's business skills are also making their choice to follow or not. Those who felt intimidated will continue to look for another type of employment and, unconsciously, another type of leader.
With my appreciation of these laws, which I drew from the latest expanded version of John Maxwell's masterpiece "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of a Leader," which applies to any leadership context; either at work, in a social group, at church and at home, I want to show that leadership is more about emotions than reasons, it is more about people than numbers.
Coaching as a Form of Leadership
And it is here where an important connection between leadership and coaching is born, since the boss or director who orders no longer has a place or relevance. As we have reviewed throughout this article, the true leader cares about the other; for his needs, goals, dreams and desires.
Coaching, which in addition to being an extraordinary tool to maximize the potential of managers and executives, is in turn an effective form of leadership, where the manager empowers himself in his role as leader through a process of accompaniment, where in Instead of demanding the fulfillment of tasks, it focuses on the development and improvement of its work team, its cohesion and connection, as well as the responsibility and commitment of each individual.
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